Sunday, May 4, 2014

Gaps. Holes. Transitions.

Following the path of my experiments and research into faith I have reached a slightly odd place.
I am starting to look at holes.

Holes are interesting things, in the context that I am investigating, I find that holes are areas where there is a void... yes... but also holes can let things through.
Looking for visual hooks I found some beautiful images, and a few other artists who work with holes.
Enjoy :)

Amy Friend is a photographer working with vintage photographs. Dare Alla Luce is a project where the artist re-works vintage photographs, manipulating them by poking tiny holes in them.
Her work reminds me of a series I did (years ago now) of jewellery working with constellations.

Cygnus Cross - Pendant (own work) 2007

 In fact, Friend's work has been compared to constellations...
I think here though, the holes also speak of fragility... of memory, of time, of place, of life.

Art work by Amy Friend.

Évelie Mouila is a French Jeweller and Graphic Designer. She's done a wonderful photographic series featuring thread on the human body, which she has then worked further by starting to drill tiny holes through the images. The "beads" of light form part of the jewellery on the body.

Photograph by Evelie Mouila
The works are very simple, and beautiful... sensual, and not just for being shot on the naked body. I think of them as sensual because of the way they wrap around the form of the model's body so well.

Mihoko Ogaki makes these beautiful sculptures of human forms, that act as projectors for light.

Mihoko Ogaki - from the Milky Ways series

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